Jan 6Liked by D Parker

One of the things I learned in the Marines was "Never give an order you know will be disobeyed". Of course 99% of these morons have no such experience. Anyone who looks at the statistics for compliance with new restrictive gun laws has to ask themselves what the gun grabbers are trying to accomplish. Whether the "ban" is aimed at actual weapon types, magazines, bump stocks, or pistol braces, there are phenomenal percentages of people in every State who are simply ignoring them. If the intention of these politicians is to create whole new classes of felons out of otherwise law abiding citizens, CONGRATULATIONS, and good job. This of course also has the consequence of creating more people who have less respect for every other annoying intrusive law, and are more likely to ignore them as well.

Imagine that, a government policy with unintended consequences- what a shocker!

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The Grabbies were hoping to intimidate the people into compliance – but by now everyone knows that confiscation always follows registration and we’re getting close to knuckle cracking time.

One infuriating aspect of these registration scams is that the authoritarians will often run a “background check” on someone registering a gun as in example from ‘Little London’ a while back. In other words – they were checking to see if you were allowed to have a gun you already own.

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As an FYI, there is an excellent explanation of the relationship of the Minuteman's flintlock to the "modern sporting rifle". https://modernmusket.com/the-hammer/

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