Feb 5, 2023Liked by D Parker

Unfortunately, the entire "debate" with the leftists, regardless of topic, is exactly like the old joke about mud wrestling with a pig. No amount of logic, statistics, historical precedent, or common sense will dissuade them from their narrative or their plans. I've spent 50 years using all of the above to argue for the 2A. At best, if someone is legitimately looking for information, they might be persuaded or wholly converted. For the leftist "true believer" it is a waste of time. "Compromise" and "common sense" are defined as "give up". After the last twenty years, I doubt voting for more RINOs will help either. What now? God knows.

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It is unconstitutional for the ATF to ban what has previously been legal and then apply the ban retroactively (not "grandfathering in" pre-existing, legal ownership).

This ban (and others by the ATF) is an ex post facto law -- something which is explicitly prohibited by the US Constitution. See Article I, Section 9, Clause 3, which flatly states: "No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed."

And yes, an ATF regulation is a law, through the SCOTUS "Auer deference" doctrine (which 2019's Kisor v. Wilkie decision does not abrogate).

Stop and think of the wholesale destruction of freedom and justice inherent in ex post facto laws. Any LAWFUL behavior you've ever engaged in could be suddenly declared illegal, then you arrested and punished for it -- even if you haven't done it in 20 years. Sounds absurd, doesn't it? Defies common sense, right?

Only tyrannical governments engage in such practices. The British did, hence the Founding Fathers' flat out, in writing, prohibition of it.

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