Jul 20Liked by D Parker

The people who screech about Project 2025 haven't read it - as usual. And the only thing they complain about is how it's 'fascist' when in fact nothing is further from the truth. Those same people can't define fascism anymore than they can find Israel on a map. The other issue is that Trump's Platform is different. Trump did not author Project 2025 nor has he endorsed it.

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The trouble with 'Conservatives' is that they 'conserve' practically nothing. They can't even conserve same sex bathrooms, or sports!

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We Conserve liberty, that is far more than what the National Socialist “Democratic” Authoritarian Party can say.

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The 'liberty' of men to compete in drag?

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You are a perfect illustration of why the left is losing.

The world is coming apart, inflation from rampant vote buying is out of control, the illegal invasion is over running the country, the fascist far-left is attacking every freedom it can think of, and that’s what you’re concerned about?

Try addressing the real problems we face, instead of trying to deflect the argument at every turn.

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What, pray tell, is the main issue? Vaccine genocide that Trump funded to the tune of trillions?

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Again, you are a perfect illustration of why the fascist far-left is losing.

You can’t even bring yourself to address the issues I’ve already raised:

The world is coming apart, inflation from rampant vote buying is out of control, the illegal invasion is over running the country, and the fascist far-left is attacking every freedom it can think of.

Try those for starters instead of continually deflecting.

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Trump created the inflation you so fear by printing trillions to fund the lockdowns.

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RemovedJul 21
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The problem is that the fascist far-left ruling class is plumb out of ideas – their socialist national agenda isn’t working, so the only thing they can do is lie and deflect attention from themselves.

Try reading the document – or at least the forward – watch the videos.

Leftists love to play the game of accusing the Pro-freedom right of supposedly being “fascist” based on whatever they happen to be doing at the moment.

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make any sense – only that they keep on repeating the lie.

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RemovedJul 21
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Why does the fascist far-left keep on deflecting away from the massive problems they’ve caused?

Answer that please.

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RemovedJul 21
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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

Ah yes, it certainly didn’t take long for you to get to the ad hominem attacks.

You can’t stick to the subject at hand and you have to deflect, deflect, deflect….

Why does the fascist far-left keep on deflecting away from the massive problems they’ve caused?

Answer that please.

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