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It is interesting that both this shooting and the other media contagion in the room are so closely intertwined, yet utterly dismissed by media. They can print the shooter's name, his photo can be plastered on every screen, but if you ask his "gender identity" you are a transphobe. Let's be realistic, you cannot be demanding better care for the mentally ill and denying that the entire idea of trans being embraced by a growing number of young people isn't a huge red flag with, "I am mentally ill, please help" printed on it.

The media and the government went so far out of their way to hide the Nashville shooter's "manifesto" for well over a year not to "protect their privacy" but to conceal the link between trans ideology and serious mental illness. There isn't so much a link really, they are one in the same. If you hate yourself so much that you will cut off your own healthy body parts, what would you be willing to do to others?

It is crazy the double standards. If a 14 year old inner city youth shoots and kills someone, the media won't even describe them, you know unless they are killed by the police in a shootout when they were trying to take them into custody. Otherwise, the suspect has a right to privacy based on their juvenile status. But if it is a suburban kid who shoots up a school, the whole world knows their name within 24 hours, frequently way less than that. Why the difference? Why identify the kid and then go out of your way to conceal that he "is trans". He murdered 4 people and tried to murder many more, clearly he is seriously mentally ill. And being "trans" is an even more obvious symptom of that than the school shooting.

Parents, if your child starts showing signs of being "trans", lock up the guns in the house and get them help.

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