May 2Liked by D Parker

Thank you for those links. Unbelievable what some idiots believe. Writing their own history stories and changing the names of things doesn’t make them true. Again, the truth will prevail because all the leftist lies are brought to light, eventually.

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Those are to the archiving sites – it insures those pieces can’t ‘disappear’ by ‘accident’.

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May 2Liked by D Parker

That’s a new one, I hadn’t heard. As you said, the totalitarians are all of the same mindset. I have said it before, that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. No matter what the totalitarian left wants to call themselves, socialists, democrats, or whatever, they are just as true to the totalitarian form of government as ever. Hitler didn’t hate Communism, nor did Stalin hate fascists; both hated the possibility that the other dictator would be in control and they would be out.

It’s too bad that educators who spout the garbage they spew cannot be silenced. But that, too, would be totalitarianism and that’s not what we in America are all about.

Keep telling the truth, and exposing the lies. That is the best way to overcome evil.

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Most rational people (that would exclude leftists) have a ‘wait a minute, what?’ reaction to that revelation. But there it was in that Time magazine piece:

Why Trump and His Supporters Keep Calling Democrats ‘Fascists’



But that’s not the only one:

Republicans claim to fear left-wing authoritarianism — but there's no such thing



What do Republicans and communists have in common?


The Nazi Inspiring China’s Communists

A decades-old legal argument used by Hitler has found support in Beijing.


There’s a great historian and content creator on YouTube TIKhistory


That refers to volks-comrades as Nazis on the outside and communists on the inside - Beefsteak Nazis – brown on the outside, red on the inside.

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