"It’s time to demolish the leftist lie that collectivism has never been tried before and put an end to that insanity."

Either we kill it, or it kills us, NO MORE GAMES.

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That’s the way they look at it.

Think about it, if you ran the same experiment all over the world in all kinds of conditions with all kinds of different parameters and labels for over 400 years and had the same result – failure to the tune of millions dead – wouldn’t you put a stop to that experiment before it resulted in more deaths?

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Nov 17·edited Nov 17Liked by D Parker

It often makes me wonder about the motivation. What makes the useful idiot masses jump on the bandwagon of collectivism? Is it just ignorance of history? Is it because they are just brainless dolts? Or is it because they know and are just pure evil? Or is it D: all of the above as Ignorant pure evil dolts ? In the end I generally think it is the latter.

Stopping it once and for all, reminds me of the old days when I was s cig smoker, doing the toe twist on a butt. But I'll be honest, that's the nice version, as most of my visions of stoppage thoughts look much more messy.

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Unfortunately, many fall for the fiction that they can get something for nothing out of the deal.

They just don’t realize that force is going to be needed to make it all work – whether that’s in the form of lies or physical force – it eventually is going to be applied to them, but by the time they realize that, it’s too late.

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Ah, yes, .... the 5 levels of "They Came For" might explain that, except it is the American version this time.

They came for the conservatives, but I wasn't a conservative, so no problem

They came for the Christians, but I wasn't a Christian, so no problem

They came for those speaking out and censored them, but I don't spread mis/dis/malinformation, so no problem

they came for people who intended to defend themselves, but I'm a gun grabber, so no problem

They came for me !! Big Problem.

Foolish mortals !!! lol

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