Stop praising leftists with liberty-based words liberal or lib, since they are authoritarians by nature.
They want nothing to do with freedom and shouldn’t benefit from being associated with it.
Anti-liberty leftists have turned lying with language into an art form, where they are cast as the “good guys” while their very careful word choices automatically render anyone opposing them as “anti-democratic.” Pro-freedom people have rightfully learned to eschew leftist word propaganda, but far too many on the right side of history still submit to the words of the authoritarian left. This has to stop if we are to win the culture war and save civilization as we know it.
The problem is that this has a more insidious aspect, in that the ever false “liberal-conservative” political spectrum model continually confuses the situation — even more than contradictorily referring to authoritarians as true supporters of liberty with terms of the same libertas word origin. But first, consider the case that Dennis Prager makes in proving that the left isn’t liberal, starting with the fact that they have almost nothing in common:
Left or Liberal?
He makes his case with six key examples:
1. Race:
This is probably the most obvious difference between liberal and left. The liberal position on
race has always been a) the color of a person’s skin is insignificant and b) those who believe
race is significant are racists. Meanwhile, the left believes the very opposite. To the left, it’s
the liberal attitude toward race—it’s unimportant—that is racist.
2. Capitalism:
Liberals have always been pro-capitalists, because liberals are committed to free enterprise
and because they know capitalism is the only way to lift great numbers of people out of
poverty. It is true that liberals want government to play a bigger role in the economy than
conservatives do, but liberals never opposed capitalism, and they were never for socialism.
Opposition to capitalism and advocacy of socialism are left-wing values.
3. Nationalism:
Liberals believe in the nation-state, whether that nation is the United States, Brazil, or France.
But because the left divides the world by class rather than by national identity, the left has
always opposed nationalism. So, while liberals have always wanted to protect American
sovereignty and borders, the left is for open borders.
4. View of America:
Liberals were quite aware of America’s imperfections, but they agreed with Abraham Lincoln that America is “the last, best hope of earth.” The left, however, believes the left is the last, best hope of earth and regards America as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, violent, and imperialistic.
5. Free speech:
No one has been more committed than American liberals to the famous statement, “I wholly disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
But the left is leading the first widespread suppression of free speech in modern American
history—from the universities to the tech companies that govern the internet to almost every
other institution and place of work.
6. Western civilization:
Liberals have always championed and sought to protect Western civilization. Liberals celebrate the West’s unique moral, philosophical, artistic, musical and literary achievements, and have taught them at virtually every university.
Yet, when President Donald Trump spoke of the need to protect Western
civilization in a speech in Warsaw, the left-wing media, also known as the mainstream media,
denounced him. They argued that Western civilization is no better than any other and that
“Western civilization” is just a euphemism for “white supremacy.”
He then asks the question: if leftists and liberals are so different — and that difference is increasing by the day — why don’t liberals oppose the left?
It’s because they have been brainwashed into fearing the pro-freedom right. He quotes Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz, one of the best known liberals in the country — and one of the staunchest defenders of President Trump —saying, “As a liberal, as an American, and as a Jew, I far more fear the left than the right.”
This is why many liberals are moving to the right side of history and away from the fascist far left and why the national socialist media have dialed their Hitler rhetoric up to eleventy in recent months.
This is also why we need to stop insulting true liberals as “libs” and falsely conflating them with leftists.
Authoritarian leftists also love to use certain constructs to confuse the issue. One of the worst is the “liberal-conservative” political spectrum model. Far too many people use this ridiculous phraseology and structure when it clearly doesn’t make any sense.
Just ask anyone who phrases things this way: “So, does that mean that Lenin, Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, and Hitler were liberals?” He won’t be able to provide a straight answer to that because, the “liberal-conservative” model is nonsense.
But authoritarian leftists use this to subliminally imply that only one side of the political spectrum supports liberty (i.e., liberalism), whereas the other end is authoritarian. It doesn’t make any sense, so they keep on trying to maintain the lie and indoctrinate people into using this illogic.
This is how you get the results of a survey of “a representative sample” of over 1,530 American adults asking Democrats about “Communists”:
Roughly half of Democrats said communists were right-of-center and 28% of them rated communists as far-right as possible.
How is that possible, given that communists and other collectivists are clearly on the far left?
The author citing that survey in a Newsweek article never mentions a concrete reason for that bizarre result, aside from chalking it up to “pure tribal psychology.”
The only unvoiced explanation is that since leftists place themselves on the positive “liberal” side of the scale, the only other option for any authoritarians would be on the conservative right. It doesn’t make any sense, but isn’t that the case with propaganda from the left?
Always remember that it doesn’t matter what you think the word “liberal” means — it only matters that it has positive connotations for most people. This is why the left has exploited this word for so many years and why we need to stop referring to the far left with this positive term.
This is also why we all need to stop using ever false “liberal-conservative” political model. It serves only to confuse the issue and results in bizarre polls where leftist Democrats think leftist authoritarian communists belong on the far right.
Originally published on the American Thinker
💯 I also would like us to stop using the word "elite" as well. They are a "ruling class" who are far from elite. They are NOT the best of us. More often, they are the worst humanity has to offer.