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Unfortunately. the problems of gun control (ultimately gun confiscation) are only part of the story. There is also the problem (and it may be a bigger problem), of the DAs and AG's who will vigorously prosecute even the most righteous self defense shooting. Kyle Rittenhouse is the poster child for this. In his case it should have taken two hours to run through the videos before declaring it justified. Instead, the prosecutors follow their normal playbook, and charge the person with every conceivable offense including jaywalking and spitting on the sidewalk, in the hope of getting them to take a plea deal. This is what happens in 97% of federal cases and 94% in the states. How many of them are innocent, but terrified of the system?


In many states it is even worse, because an accused defensive shooter may get run through a civil trial as well, even if the shooting is found to be justified in a criminal court. Should the accused win in both trials, this becomes punishment without conviction through potential bankruptcy, unemployment, and homelessness. The person and the family also has to deal with the psychological fallout.

Many gun owners know this and a good CCW instructor will discuss this in a class, as well as the various "insurance" plans available, but how many can afford them? Further, how many innocent lives are lost because (with all this in mind) they hesitate to shoot for a critical second or two? It would be a hell of a reason to die, being more worried about victimization by the state than by the criminal in front of them.

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